As a modern twist on a classic, this Flatout flatbread PB&J recipe is more flavorful and packed with fiber. And the best part is it’s kid-approved and easy to prepare in the mornings before work or school. What makes this peanut butter and jelly recipe better than all the rest is the addition of strawberries, […]
In 5 minutes, you can create a delectable chocolate hazelnut crepe. Begin by spreading 1 tablespoon of melted butter onto the flatbread. Warm the greased flatbread for 30 seconds on a skillet, then spread on 2 tablespoons of hazelnut spread. Thinly slice 4 strawberries and top the hazelnut-covered spread with the sliced strawberries. Add 2 […]

If months were a deck of cards, February would undoubtedly be the Queen of Hearts. From Valentine’s Day, to it being a Heart Health Month…it’s hard not to notice the red and pink hearts, flowers and balloons all over the place…and that feeling of wanting to fall in love all over again. Chocolate contains […]

The day of cupids and arrows is quickly approaching and love is in the air! Stores are lined with amorous cards, cutesy stuffed animals, and of course, loads of chocolate. Valentines Day can be a treacherous day for those watching their weight as it is filled with sweet temptations. However, it can also be a […]

Trans fat is widely known as being one of the worst dietary fats. Created in processing to solidify oils, trans fat raises LDL (bad) cholesterol and lowers your HDL (good) levels. This can increase your risk of heart disease and stroke. But now, researchers have found yet another reason you should rid your diet of […]

The holidays are a time for family: sharing gifts, catching up with relatives seen only once a year and sharing family stories from the year, sharing big feasts, and sharing laughs. But germs are not a thing anyone wants to share during the hustle and bustle of the holidays. A cold, or worse food poisoning […]
Read More About - 7 Tips to Avoid Getting Sick Over the Holidays »

It’s the season for pumpkins! If your family likes to carve them, bake with them, or use them for decorations you can still reap the benefits of the bright orange pumpkin. First, some facts about pumpkins: Pumpkins are actually a squash in the same family as cucumbers. In early colonial times, pumpkins were used in […]

It’s summertime, and in my family, a fun weekend jaunt might include a lazy day of berry picking (and eating!). This juicy member of the berry family and the rose family is a tart pick that is especially abundant from the months of June through October. Fun Facts about the “Other” Berry Not your average […]

I’m definitely making the most of the spring season, but I know that a hot summer is waiting just around the corner. Here are 4 tips to consider as you revamp the way you move in June and July: 1. Get a new game plan With every new season, I like to change up the […]
Read More About - Summer Training: 4 Ways to Make the Most of the Heat »

April showers bring May flowers…which constantly remind us that we’re less than one month away from swimsuit season! It’s never too late to give your eating habits a makeover by making small changes that would lead to big differences. Say it with me now: “Small changes make BIG differences.” Below are 10 ways you can […]
Read More About - 10 Easy Ways to Cut Calories to Get Your Swimsuit Body »

I’ll admit it—sometimes a sweet craving just cannot be resisted. Fortunately, I’ve discovered a few tricks to keep the little cravings from turning into full-fledged junkfests. Here are my top 6 ways to curb those sneaky cravings: Avoid Triggers and Remove Temptations Whether we’re under stress or flying high, different things can trigger us to […]

Summer is a great time for outdoor workouts, but the allergies that come with the season can bring down the motivation to be active. Unlike the spring pollen that causes red eyes and runny noses, summertime means that plants are no longer thriving and instead ferment ample mold growth, especially in more humid climates. Your […]
Read More About - 5 Ways to Stay Active During Allergy Season »

How many times have you walked into a grocery or health store and seen an array of products that are just screaming at you to buy them because they claim to be full of wonderful benefits? The attractive packaging seems to catch your eye from a mile away with bold neon text on the concoctions […]

Just as President Obama has suggested that each of us take personal responsibility to improve our country we also need to take that same personal responsibility for our health and our waistlines. Within an average day we make countless different choices. You decide what time to get out of bed, what to eat for breakfast, […]

Hello, I’m sitting in the Phoenix airport getting ready to fly home until next Wednesday when I leave for the final 6 cities of my 10 city tour. I just recorded two short new videos which will not only help you reduce your daily calorie intake to assist in your weight loss efforts but also […]
Read More About - Lose Weight- Part 2 Video and Are Your Friends Good For Your Health? »

I recently attended a fabulous food, nutrition and beauty event at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel. I always love getting back to the beautiful weather in California- especially since it is snowing in Kansas City right now! The event was sponsored by The National Honey Board and I was the nutrition spokesperson along with executive chef, […]
Read More About - Food, Beauty and Nutrition with Honey at the Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood »