The day of cupids and arrows is quickly approaching and love is in the air! Stores are lined with amorous cards, cutesy stuffed animals, and of course, loads of chocolate. Valentines Day can be a treacherous day for those watching their weight as it is filled with sweet temptations. However, it can also be a […]

Cravings- we all have them. Whether you have the urge for something salty, sweet, or in-between, giving in to every craving can really undo your healthy eating. Many things such as boredom, certain emotions, or locations can trigger cravings. Next time you have the urge to splurge, ask yourself, “Why do I want this?” Are […]

We all have stress in our lives; between school, work, families, and balancing that thing called life, it’s inevitable. Add long lines, searching for the perfect gifts, holiday parties, and visits from the in-law and it becomes exceedingly harder to handle. ‘Tis the season for holiday stress. With a little time management and taking some […]
Read More About - 4 Strategies for a Stress-Free Holiday Season! »

I know our society puts a premium on the frenetic pace of sheer busyness, but I find myself cherishing my free time more than anything. If anything, the more free time I have in my schedule, the more in control I feel I have in steering my life and priorities. There’s nothing better than having […]

For those of us trying to stay trim and active, there’s little that’s more fitness-killing than sitting behind a desk for 40 hours a week. Even without the constraint of a desk, a career can drain energy so that we’re too tired to work out after the workday is done. I find that there are […]

Who has time to plan ahead when getting ready for extended travel in spring and summer? I feel like I’m always running around as it is – yet I’ve learned over the years that planning now makes the journey so much smoother. Avoid traveling pitfalls (stress-induced sickness? Been there!) with these tips: 1. Pack Some […]

According to a new study, 35% of those surveyed said they would pick their PDA over their spouse in the bedroom. Being conmnected 24/7 makes many think they work harder today than five years ago. Other findings from the survey: -84% of people say they check their phones either before they go to bed or […]