Foodie Friday: Dates
While certainly not the most attractive fruit, dates might just be the energy-boosting fruit that you’re missing out on! Date palms are among the oldest cultivated trees, having been grown in North America for at least 8,000 years. Classified according to their moisture content (soft, semisoft, dry), most varieties found in North America are semisoft […]
Foodie Friday: Raspberries
It’s summertime, and in my family, a fun weekend jaunt might include a lazy day of berry picking (and eating!). This juicy member of the berry family and the rose family is a tart pick that is especially abundant from the months of June through October. Fun Facts about the “Other” Berry Not your average […]
Foodie Friday: Watermelon
Watermelon is a summer favorite of mine, but it should be considered more than just a summer treat. This fruit is a nutritional masterpiece, loaded with many important nutrients and leads to health benefits. Below are some of the benefits you will reap from incorporating watermelon you’re your diet. Benefits: • Cardiovascular Health: Watermelon is […]