Top Foods for Flawless Skin
When you skin starts to become dry or break out, you most likely run to the pharmacy and grab the latest moisturizer or anti-aging cream. Seldom do we stop and think that our diet may be contributing to our skin issues. While there is no magic cure for perfect skin, the following foods do promote […]
Foodie Friday: Pomegranates
Pomegranates are in prime ripeness in early fall so, Foodie Friday this week is all about the Pomegranate. As a unique fruit, we don’t eat the outside peel, or even the inside, but the juicy pop-in-your mouth seeds with a tangy, sweet flavor are irresistible if you’re the type that enjoys when fruit “pops” in […]
8 Simple Ways to Eat More Fruits and Veggies
How many fruits and vegetables are in your daily diet? Do you think you’re getting enough? Recently the U.S. Center for Disease and Control health officials reported that, in 2009, 67.5% of adults ate fruit less than two times daily, and 73.7% ate vegetables less than three times per day. There is definitely work to […]
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How to Eat Dessert and Stay Lean!
It’s happened to the best of us at one time or another. You decide to start a diet, or just to start eating healthier and being more active, and thoughts soon drift to how much you’re going to miss enjoying dessert after meals. Not to worry – you don’t have to give it up! It […]
Foodie Friday: Raspberries
It’s summertime, and in my family, a fun weekend jaunt might include a lazy day of berry picking (and eating!). This juicy member of the berry family and the rose family is a tart pick that is especially abundant from the months of June through October. Fun Facts about the “Other” Berry Not your average […]
5 Ways to Spice Up Your Sandwich
Spice up your summer this year by spicing up your homemade sandwiches! That’s right. Sandwiches are great delivery vehicles for a number of health benefits including antioxidants, increased metabolism and overall a great way to maintain that summer bod you’ve worked hard all spring for. Toast that Grain! Some people who don’t normally like whole […]
5 Ways to Add Juicy Fruits to Your Diet
Fresh fruits are yummy AND healthy! The 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that we should consume 4 servings of fruits per day. 1 serving of fruit is about ½ cup. The equivalent amount to a ½ cup serving is ½ cup fresh, frozen or canned fruit, 1 medium fruit (apple, orange, etc), ¼ cup […]
Foodie Friday: Tart Cherries
When I think of summer fruits, “sugar and spice and everything nice” comes to mind. However, that’s NOT the case with tart cherries! Unlike the sweet cherries that come mainly from the upper West Coast, tart cherries are grown primarily in the Northeast. Since we were children, we viewed cherries as a bonus, a reward. (Remember […]
Foodie Friday: The Sweet Benefits of Chocolate
For this week’s Foodie Friday I’d like to talk about chocolate. Lucky for chocolate lovers, it doesn’t just taste good, but can serve as a healthy part of one’s diet. How you ask? Research has shown that dark chocolate, eaten in moderation, is good for you! Studies have shown dark chocolate, not milk or white, […]
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Color Your Plate
Brightly colored fruits and vegetables do more than make a beautiful dish; the colors are code for the nutrients packed within these foods. The colors are from a group of nutrients called carotenoids, which are substances that provide additional health benefits above the essential vitamins and minerals labeled on packages. Now that spring has arrived, […]
7 Super Spices
Spices are very well-known for adding vibrant colors and kicks in our food. They take ordinary foods…and make themextraordinary just with one pinch, dash, shake or teaspoonful. But wait…there’s fantastic news. They’re a lot more than that… Spices are packed with natural antioxidants, that’s right, the same stuff that you would find in fruits and […]
5 Tips for Healthy Eyes
As we learn more and more about the relationship between diet and disease, we’re realizing that good nutrition can help with many health concerns, at any age. A lot of research is being done with macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness, to find ways to prevent this condition through proper nutrition. In particular, lutein […]
5 Ways to Beautiful Summer Skin
I’m coming home from spring break today and went on a great trip to Cancun with my family so I thought I would write about summer skin after my skin took a beating. With Summer is just around the corner… Ok that may be wishful thinking, but it is not too early to start getting […]
Top 5 Spices for Good Health
These tiny little nutrition gems are widely known for being a healthier alternative to boosting flavor without adding extra salt, but they are useful in other ways as well. You may be surprised to hear that herbs and spices not only add a world of flavor to your meals, but have also been extensively studied […]