Mitzi Dulan – America's Nutrition Expert
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Summer Training: 4 Ways to Make the Most of the Heat
by Mitzi Dulan, RD, America’s Nutrition Expert®
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I’m definitely making the most of the spring season, but I know that a hot summer is waiting just around the corner. Here are 4 tips to consider as you revamp the way you move in June and July:

1. Get a new game plan

With every new season, I like to change up the way I attack workouts. Sometimes I need the change, and other times I’m just trying to stay motivated. Evaluate what’s been working and take it up a notch. Add a new cross training activity or a new post-workout recovery snack into the mix.

2. Embrace the outdoors

Swims in the ocean (or outdoor pool for the landlocked), sailing in open water, running under the scorching sun (with sunblock and plenty of water, of course) – some things are just better in summertime. Take advantage of the weather and make it work for your workouts.

3. Experiment in the kitchen

With summer fruits (berries, peaches, mangos) in abundant stock, there’s nothing more fitting for me in the hot, sweltering weather than fresh dishes of fruit for breakfast, lunch and snacks in between. There’s no better time to try recipes for ice-cold smoothies and frozen yogurts!

4. Recover

Even though summer definitely brings with it more intense workouts, I also know my body can’t afford to overdo it in the heat. Make sure you are adequately hydrating. The added heat and humidity can burn more calories, so don’t look at extra rest and recovery as laziness – it’s a necessity.

How do you plan to change your workout this summer?

Assistance provided by Pam Majumdar

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