5 Ways to Spice Up Your Sandwich
Spice up your summer this year by spicing up your homemade sandwiches! That’s right. Sandwiches are great delivery vehicles for a number of health benefits including antioxidants, increased metabolism and overall a great way to maintain that summer bod you’ve worked hard all spring for.
- Toast that Grain! Some people who don’t normally like whole
grain and whole wheat breads find themselves falling in love with them when toasted. Not only will you increase your fiber intake and up your metabolism, but you’ll also have a toasted, fresher sandwich!
- Hungry for Hummus. Try swapping your mustard or mayo with hummus! Hummus is a thick spread made from mashed chickpeas and is packed with vitamins, minerals and protein. Chick peas are low in fat and the olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats = heart healthy!
- Kick It Up a Knotch by adding chipotle spread or wasabi horseradish sauce into your sandwich. Remember: spicy foods increase your metabolism and give you that antioxidant kick!
- Seasonings, Please. When the awesome sandwich maker asks if you want seasonings, say yes! You can always use dried herbs that are rich in antioxidants to help protect your body from free radicals aka: “the bad stuff.”
- Salad Sandwich. Your leftover salad from last night is a great addition to your homemade sandwich for lunch today. Not only will you get and feel fuller longer, but your sandwich will be happier and so will your body.
Have you tried any of the above? What do you like to do to give your homemade sandwich that extra kick in nutrients and flavor?
Research provided by Monica Lobo, RD.
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