7 Ways to Decrease Holiday Stress
As the song says, it’s the most wonderful time of the year – and the busiest! The kids are excited about the holidays, moms and dads are planning and preparing their most special dishes for visiting relatives and holiday parties and we’re all running around trying to get the shopping done and the house decorated. […]
4 Strategies for a Stress-Free Holiday Season!
We all have stress in our lives; between school, work, families, and balancing that thing called life, it’s inevitable. Add long lines, searching for the perfect gifts, holiday parties, and visits from the in-law and it becomes exceedingly harder to handle. ‘Tis the season for holiday stress. With a little time management and taking some […]
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3 Keys to Avoid Holiday Stress
The holidays can be an extremely busy and stressful time! Here are some tips to manage and avoid stress traps and pitfalls. 1. Remain positive and try to see the bigger picture. Whether you are in a disagreement with a friend or relative, or simply at a crossroads with a tough decision, maintaining perspective on […]
5 Keys to Surviving Holiday Stress
Getting through the everyday routine is stressful enough, but the holidays can definitely turn it up a notch. After Thanksgiving and Black Friday holiday schedules kick into high gear with holiday shopping, parties, and family get-togethers. To make it through without blowing a fuse (or your budget), here are some tips to stay fit and […]