Are you one of the millions of Americans who has trouble sleeping? Americans spend approximately $84 million dollars a year on sleep aids each year. One concern of sleep aids is dependency, as many find that once they start taking sleeping pills, they find that they cannot sleep without them. You, like countless of others, […]
Read More About - This Delicious Fruit Can Help You Sleep! »
Are you constantly stressed out? Do you go to bed at night worrying? With the current economic environment it is easy to understand why many people are more stressed out than ever before. However, it is important to try to manage your stress effectively. When a person is stressed it increases their cortisol levels. With […]
According to a new study, 35% of those surveyed said they would pick their PDA over their spouse in the bedroom. Being conmnected 24/7 makes many think they work harder today than five years ago. Other findings from the survey: -84% of people say they check their phones either before they go to bed or […]