Mitzi Dulan – America's Nutrition Expert
Mitzi has been featured on:
Broccoli Grape Salad with Almonds
Chickpea Salad with Grapes and Pecans
Salmon with Roasted Grapes and Pistachios
Grape Salsa
5 Reasons to Go Nuts for Pistachios
Broccoli Grape Salad with Almonds

November 11th, 2021

Chickpea Salad with Grapes and Pecans

October 14th, 2021

Salmon with Roasted Grapes and Pistachios

September 9th, 2021

Grape Salsa

August 12th, 2021

5 Reasons to Go Nuts for Pistachios

March 18th, 2021

Tag Archives: lose weight babyfood

The Baby Food Diet: Is it for You?

written by Mitzi Dulan, RD, America’s Nutrition Expert®

No, you’re eyes aren’t fooling you. You have read the title correctly; I am talking about the baby food diet. This has recently gained popularity through the endorsement of several celebrities. But what exactly does this diet entail, and is it nutritionally sound for an adult? Actually, you can check out this article in the […]

Read More About - The Baby Food Diet: Is it for You? »

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