Burn Fat on Black Friday!
Black Friday is here! This means a lot of shopping and great prices. Traditionally Black Friday is the beginning of the holiday shopping season. Do not let Black Friday also become a tradition for the beginning of holiday overeating habits. After Thanksgiving it may be hard to stop overeating, and you might find yourself in a rut. This could lead to unhealthy eating habits, poor energy levels, and weight gain all the way until your New Year’s resolution. Do not let this happen to you!
Here are some clever tips to stop an unhealthy Black Friday tradition from forming!
Shop till you drop!
- Walking around all day from dawn till dusk is a great way to burn off those Thanksgiving calories.
Exercise with your friends and family
- Make it a tradition to go for a walk with family or friends every Friday, Saturday or Sunday following Thanksgiving.
Watch your portion sizes
- You may have had huge portions on Thanksgiving. Be more aware of how much you are eating now after the holiday.
- Try using smaller plates or smaller silverware to prevent overeating.
- Chew your food and eat it slowly.
- Put your fork down in between bites.
Make healthy leftovers
- Think of creative, healthy ways to use your leftovers.
- Make a gourmet turkey panini on whole wheat, red onions, alfalfa sprouts, spinach leafs and mozzarella.
- Try making a turkey, squash and lentil soup.
- Try making whole wheat turkey pizza with spinach and mozzarella.
- Try making white turkey chili.
Drink plenty of water
- You may be slightly dehydrated from drinking alcohol during the festivities.
- Be sure to be drinking water instead of soda, or drinks with calories for your choice in beverage.
- If you do not like plain water, try adding True Lemon or True Lime products to your glass.
With assistance provided by Colleen Poling
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