Mitzi Dulan – America's Nutrition Expert
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2017 Food Trends: Victoria Fine Foods Leading The Way
by Mitzi Dulan, RD, America’s Nutrition Expert®
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Clean labels reign supreme. Leading the way for food trends in 2017 is ‘Clean Supreme’ which is a “recognition of clean and clear label as the new global standard and the importance of transparency” according to Innova Market Insights, a food and beverage industry research leader.

As a nutrition expert with a large following, I am very fortunate to get a lot of brands that reach out to me for spokesperson work and nutritious recipe development with their products. One important criteria in choosing brand partners for me is making sure that I partner with brands that I truly believe in and are a fit with my own nutrition philosophy. I always want to create a win-win relationship.

One new client that I have absolutely loved working with this year is Victoria Fine Foods. As soon as I saw their packaging and tasted their product, I was sold.


Check out the ingredients on the front label!

As a nutritionist, I know the importance of eating foods with clean labels and short ingredient lists. As a mom, it’s crucial that I know where the food I’m feeding my family comes from and how it’s made. But, also, it’s mandatory that the food tastes very good. Check, check, and check for Victoria!

I absolutely love that Victoria is committed transparent labelling. In fact, they are leading the way! Victoria was the first major pasta sauce brand to put its ingredients on the front of their label. Additionally, they are leading compliance with the new FDA label ruling around communication around Added Sugar– VICTORIA HAS NO ADDED SUGAR!

In September, I helped them launch the #ReadYourLabel campaign to encourage you and your family to be more aware of the ingredients in your food.  In fact, for every share of this adorable video, Victoria Fine Foods will donate $1 (up to $10K) to Spoons Across America, a non-profit that teaches healthy eating habits to kids.

Read Your Label is about simplicity. It’s about transparency. It’s about being informed. At Victoria, they have been committed to Ingredients Come First since day one, which is why they put them on the front of their pasta sauce label.

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