Each year many individuals make resolutions about improving their health and fitness. These resolutions can be difficult to maintain because the desired outcomes do not happen over night, they take time. This year kick off the New Year and the beginning to a healthier you with weekly challenges. These challenges will help you make progress towards your health and fitness goals and resolutions. This list provides you 4 weeks of healthy challenges to start off the New Year!
Week 1: Drink Water and Cut Out Alcohol. For the month of January cut out alcohol and focus on drinking enough water. Water is calorie free and necessary for survival and removing alcohol will also help to jump-start your calorie trimmings! A good way to determine your hydration needs is to take your body weight in pounds and divide by 2. This is the number of ounces you should drink each day to stay well hydrated. Carry a water bottle and sip water throughout the day and not all at once. You can also add fruit to water for a fruit infused flavor filled drink. Focus on reaching your water needs each day this week or aim to gradually build up to meeting your needs!
Week 2: Exercise. There are so many benefits to exercise. Yoga class, home workouts, or weight lifting, it does not matter what you do, just find a type exercise that you enjoy and stay active! Check out my workout plans board on Pinterest for everything you need from inspiration to workout routines. Aim to exercise for at least 30 minutes on 3-4 different days this week!
Week 3: Vegetables. The goals for vegetable intake range between 2 ½ to 3 cups per day for adults depending on age and gender. Variety is also important when eating vegetables. Incorporate a variety of colorful vegetables into your diet. They make a great side dish or even main course ingredient. Aim to make sure you eat eat a vegetable with at least two meals every day this week or LOAD up at one meal!
Week 4: Sleep. Most of us are not getting enough sleep and research has shown this can make it harder to lose weight. This can greatly affect your health and even your weight! Sleep is a trouble area for many people including myself. If you have trouble falling asleep try a eyemask, one of my favorites can be found at Walmart for just $3. A mini fan is also a great option to soothe your way into a great night of sleep. I also love my sleep machine app to help with soothing sounds. This week aim to get between 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night!
Continue to challenge yourself throughout the year by creating your own goals and by maintaining these healthy habits. Completing these tasks will send you on your way to a fitter, healthier, and happier you!