Mitzi Dulan – America's Nutrition Expert
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How to Manage Your Thanksgiving Calories
by Mitzi Dulan, RD, America’s Nutrition Expert®
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This time of year, eating healthy can be hard. Holiday parties and family get-togethers fill up the calendar, and resisting temptation can be very difficult. There’s also this holiday called Thanksgiving, where the purpose is to eat as much delicious food as you can in one sitting.  Then, you eat the leftovers for a week. The average American will consume over 4,500 calories on Thanksgiving; that’s way over the recommended intake. This Thanksgiving, take back your waistline by taking control of your eating.


The bird is famous for this holiday, and rightfully so; turkey itself is relatively low in calories and fat. Depending on how you cook it, what you eat with it and whether you eat the skin. Turkey can be a relatively healthy and filling option. Avoid deep-fried and stick with baked turkey.


Eat your sweet potatoes and enjoy the natural sweetness of the vegetable. If you add butter, cut the amount in half.

It’s okay to enjoy some green bean casserole, too. Aim to eat one scoop and skip the seconds. It’s the only day every year that I have it but always reminds me of great Thanksgiving family memories with my mother.


If you’re like me, then the desserts portion is your favorite part of the meal. Pumpkin pie, pecan pie, sweet potato pie… yummy! It is fine to enjoy your favorite but eat a smaller portion such as cutting yourself a smaller piece of pie. You really enjoy the first bites the most anyway. This year, I will be making a sweet potato pie that is so amazing. I will try to remember to share a photo on Facebook!


Be aware of what you’re sipping on all day. Don’t waste your calories on sugary soft drinks. If your in-laws are driving you to drink, try to limit to 1-2 glasses of wine.

I hope you take the time to enjoy and be present with your family. Turn off the cell phone!

Wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!


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