Not only are strawberries – either frozen or fresh – delicious, but they’re super nutritious too!
Strawberries contain many healthy components, including Vitamin C, anitoxidants, and phytonutrients. That means strawberries are filled with antioxidant abilities. In addition to its antioxidant abilities, strawberries also contain vitamin K (needed for blood coagulation and bone metabolism), manganese, folate (needed for protein synthesis and metabolism, red blood cells production, and DNA synthesis), potassium (maintains healthy blood pressure), pantothenic acid (needed for carbohydrate, protein and fatty acid metabolism), vitamin B6 (essential for healthy nervous system), omega-3 oils, magnesium (needed for energy production as well as proper functioning of muscles, arteries, and heart), and copper (required component of many redox enzymes). 1 cup of strawberries is only 55 calories. Also, 8 medium strawberries will provide 140% of the recommended daily intake of Vitamin C for kids!
Picking Strawberries:
When you’re at the supermarket, pick strawberries that are firm and plump to the touch and mold-free (ick!). Strawberries are unlike other fruits – they don’t get riper after picking. The level of ripeness you get at the store is what you’ll be eating. Therefore, pick the strawberries that are already ripe!
Storing Strawberries:
Strawberries can be kept fresh in the fridge for several days. Just place them in a bowl and cover the bowl with plastic wrap. However, before you put them in the fridge, wash them one by one so you can remove any strawberries that may be showing evidence of being moldy. If you don’t, it might contaminate the rest of your healthy strawberries.
Some Fun Facts About Strawberries:
- The strawberry is the only fruit with seeds on the outside of the fruit
- Strawberries are a member of the rose family
- Strawberries are the first fruit to ripen in the spring
Enjoy strawberries for good taste and good health – put strawberries on your salad, in smoothies or just eat them fresh!
Assistance provided by Rachel Yam