Looking for a little extra motivation to get in your daily workout? How about considering the double dose of health benefits you’re receiving—for both your body and your brain! While most focus on the physical benefits of exercise it isn’t only good for staying in sound physical shape. According to research it can help keep the mind healthy too.
A recent study done by the American College of Sports Medicine which involved 266 undergraduates, students who engaged in at least 20 minutes of vigorous physical activity had higher grade point averages (GPA) than those who did not exercise as often. Students who participated in vigorous activity seven days per week showed the most benefits regarding GPA, having on average one that was 0.4 higher compared to those who did not participate in any vigorous activity at all.
But while the positive association between vigorous activity and GPA has been documented, the benefits don’t end there either. Experts have been recommending a daily regimen of physical activity to also reduce stress, improve physical and mental performance, and to increase one’s overall well-being. So next time you set out for a jog or hit the gym, think about ALL the benefits you can reap besides the physical ones!
Research assistance provided by Robert Masterson.