With all of this nice spring weather popping up, there’s no better time than the present to get active and enjoy this weather! While exercise comes easily to some, a large number of us fall victim to sabotaging our own efforts to be more active by convincing ourselves not to exercise.
Excuse No 1: I’m Too Busy, There’s No Time.
The Solution: Set Priorities! When you make exercise and an active lifestyle a priority, you’ll find the time! Schedule fitness into your day as you would any other appointment, and you’ll find it getting easier and easier to commit to your workouts. You can even multi-task with exercise – catch up with a friend on an afternoon stroll, read a magazine on a bike at the gym, or do push-ups and lunges during a TV commercial break.
Excuse No 2: The Gym is No Fun.
The Solution: Go Somewhere Else! Who says you have to go to the gym? Make exercise about what YOU want to do, not what other people do. If you like being outside, look for a beautiful trail or park where you can jog. If you need to have fun, try a dance class to learn some new moves. If you get bored easily, sign up for that new rock climbing or yoga class you’ve been eyeing.
Excuse No 3: I Feel Fine, So I Don’t Need to Exercise.
The Solution: Exercise Anyway! You may not be ill, but that’s not the same thing as being fit and well. Exercise has so many benefits, including lower stress levels, elevated mood, and a stronger heart, that it’s hard to find reasons NOT to exercise!
Excuse No 4: I’m So Tired All the Time.
The Solution: Start Slow! Speaking of benefits associated with exercise, increased energy and improved sleep quality are two more on the list. Start slowly with adding exercise to your day, and then gradually build up to more once your energy levels return. Try to exercise whenever you feel the most awake, whether in the early morning, afternoon, or evening.
Excuse No 5: I’ve Skipped Too Many Workouts To Get Back Into Exercise.
The Solution: Think Positively! Temporary setbacks aren’t the end of the world – in fact, they happen to all of us! The trick is not letting yourself get dragged down by negative thinking. Acknowledge that you slipped up, and that it’s okay, and simply start again where you left off.
What about you – what’s the most common exercise excuse you fall victim to? How do you convince yourself to exercise anyway? Leave me a comment – I’d love to hear your thoughts!
Assistance provided by Megan Skinner
Great advice here. The benefits of exercising are too many to highlight here, you could write a thesis on the subject. Georgie, I really enjoy your articles.