It’s not until March 20th that spring “officially” begins, but I can’t help thinking of spring as soon as the icy weather begins to thaw and I can toss my winter coat aside!
Sometimes there’s no better way to usher in a new season than with a detox of everything past. Here are 4 tips to help get rid of the winter blues:
Start Drinking More Water
With rising temperatures and more outdoor activity, I know I’ll be needing more water to hydrate (and rehydrate) myself. I try to carry an extra bottle or two with me at all times. Also, drink a glass of water with a bit of lemon juice first thing in the morning (before the coffee!) and wait a bit before eating your first foods of the day.
Look for your Summer Recipes
They might not replace my warm cup of morning coffee, but I definitely enjoy adding some of my favorite in-season fruits with my breakfast for a fresh start to my day. Kiwis, lemons and strawberries are just some fruits that will be fresh for the picking come springtime.
Stow Away Winter Reminders
Put away, hide away, or give away…no matter what you choose, make room for spring’s fresh energy by putting all the trappings of winter out of sight.
Detox Your Body
From steam baths to spa treatments, there are many ways to cleanse your body of harmful toxins that naturally come in from the surrounding environment. A season detox, not just before spring, is essential for continual rejuvenation. My best detox is eating foods close to nature.
What will you do to say goodbye to winter and hello to spring?
By Mitzi Dulan with research assistance from Pam Majumdar