For thousands of years, and reaching to the far corners of the world, tea has been considered a potent elixir of life. Used to treat everything from anxiety to acne to liver disease, tea was the “cure all” medicine of choice. Now, cutting edge scientific research is proving that we have been right all along.
The powerful health benefits of tea can be attributed to compounds called flavonoids. These naturally occurring antioxidants are a major defense against free radicals in the body that cause various diseases. Studies have shown that drinking 2-8 cups of tea a day can help lower cholesterol, reduce signs of aging, and protect against cancer, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease and obesity.
All-natural, antioxidant-rich, and calorie-free, it’s no surprise that tea is the most popular beverage in the world after water. But with so many types to choose from—white, green, yerba mate, black, etc.—which one works best for you?
Pour yourself a nice cup of tea and read on to learn more…
-Highest in antioxidants
-Least processed
-Low in caffeine
-Studies show lower risk of lung, colon and skin cancer
-Taste: Sweet and subtle
-contains EGCG complex—good for metabolism
-Regulates blood sugar
-Helps prevent cavities
-Taste: Bitter and subtle
Yerba Mate:
-Suppresses appetite
-Rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants
-Contains stimulant similar to caffeine (without the jitters or coffee crash)
-Taste: Strong and flavorful
-High in caffeine
-Studies link to lower cholesterol and blood pressure
-Most popular tea in Western world
-Taste: Full-bodied
What’s your favorite tea? Do you like hot or iced? Do you add milk or sweeteners?
By Mitzi Dulan with assistance provided by Kristen Carlucci.
I love all flavors of hot tea. I like to add stevia for extra sweetness, and add skim milk to black tea. I just started getting into white tea, especially since it has the most antioxidants 🙂
There’s nothing I love more than a warm cup of Chai tea on a cold night! I like it with just a touch of milk and honey!