Mitzi Dulan – America's Nutrition Expert
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Tony Gonzalez’s Wall Street Journal Article- The 247 pound Vegan
by Mitzi Dulan, RD, America’s Nutrition Expert®
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Hi All,

Reed Albergotti from the Wall Street Journal did a great article on Friday, January 25th on Tony Gonzalez’s diet and his shift from junk food to a primarily plant based diet. Take a look! You can also view a video of Tony making his morning smoothie! Tony and I are currently co-authoring a book which will show you how you can eat to feel great and get healthy!

It is great to work with a professional athlete who gets it and realizes that you can perform you best by putting the very best fuel in your own gas tank!

So, you can start making some of your own changes by following a few simple steps:
1. Read food labels and avoid foods that have words you can’t pronounce or know what it is.
2. Eat organic whenver possible. Now, nutritionally speaking the debate is on whether organic is better. However, we KNOW it is better for the environment AND it certainly can’t hurt to avoid pesticides whenever possible since we don’t really know the safe level.
3. Try to eat more local, meaning maybe join a CSA.
4. Take pleasure in eating. I know I do!
5. Start your own herb garden in your kitchen. Check out It is awesome! My kids love it and there is nothing like adding your own fresh herbs like basil to some fresh mozarella and tomato! Yummy!
6. Aim to cook more. When you are cooking you have a much better idea of what is going into your body.

Eat. Move. Live Better.

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