Mitzi Dulan – America's Nutrition Expert
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Smart and Healthy Grocery Shopping 101
by Mitzi Dulan, RD, America’s Nutrition Expert®
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From long lines, crowded aisles, and temptations lurking on every aisle, the grocery store can be a harrowing adventure. For such a common chore, it can seem like a daunting feat to get in, get what you need, and not spend a lot of money doing it. Before your next trip, take these tips into consideration to improve your grocery shopping experience.

Before the Store

  • Keep a running grocery list in your kitchen and make sure to write down things as you run out of them. This will ensure you don’t leave anything off your list.
  • Keep an eye out for coupons and store specials for items that you can incorporate into your meals.
  • Plan your meals for the upcoming week and write any of the items you don’t have down on your list.
  • Before you leave, eat a snack. Shopping for food on an empty stomach is a surefire way to end up with items you wouldn’t normally buy.

At the Store

  • Don’t be scared to try new brands. Generics are cheaper and often contain the same ingredients.
  • Try to stick to the perimeters. Generally, the healthiest and freshest foods are around the edges, with all of the processed foods in the middle. The less you buy from the middle, the better!
  • These days, many grocery stores have dietitians on staff! If so, look for the “dietitian recommended” foods. Have a question? Track them down; they’ll be more than happy to help.
  • Organic isn’t always necessary. Avocados, bananas, onions, asparagus watermelon and kiwi generally have lower levels of pesticides, meaning regular is just fine.
  • Try not to deviate from your shopping list. By sticking to it, you’ll be sure not to impulsively spend more money on food that you don’t really need.

What are your favorite tips and tricks for grocery shopping?


Assistance Provided by Tori Thompson

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