- Mitzi Dulan, America’s Nutrition Expert - https://nutritionexpert.com -

Back to School Nutrition: Packing Healthy Lunches

[1]Today, my kiddos already have their first day of school! Back to school time is a bittersweet time for us parents. While we’re a little relieved that the hectic pace of summer pool time, baseball/softball games and sleepovers are winding down, some of us have moments of sadness (and joy!) that we won’t have our children around all day as they head back to school.

That’s why I make sure to make back-to-school prep time family time, whether it’s by having my daughters help choose healthy snacks and lunch items from the grocery store, or spending a day with them at the local farmers markets selecting fresh fruits and vegetables right before school begins session.

Here are some tips for packing lunches from home:

Go Green

Make it Colorful

Pack Extra

Indulge their Sweet Tooth

Make it Ritual

What do you do to make packing lunches fun?

Assistance provided by Pam Majumdar.
